Wednesday, April 18, 2012

when does it end?

I had my wic appoitment after my d and c and I wanted to cry even though I did. Everywhere I looked someone was pregnant. When I got into the room to talk to the wic ladies, all I could do was cry because everyone was happy and here I sit devasted and heartbroken. How can I go on with life knowing that one of my precious babies didn't get the chance at life? I somehow get through the day but I don't know how, inside I'm an emotional wreck. What does one say when they ask how I'm feeling? I want to say I'm a nervous wreck instead of okay. How can a mother be okay after hearing the most awful words I'm not getting a heartbeat, it isn't easy. I feel like I'm in a different world from the real world I was in before I heard the awful words. I'm so mad at my body for failing me. I don't know what to do anymore. To my angel in heaven, I hope your having a blast baby. Mommy loves and misses you everyday and wishes you were still in my stomach. I should be fourteen weeks tomorrow and feeling you move but all I feel is a big hole in my heart that won't heal. I'll see you one day my precious angel. Keep looking down on me and help mommy through the days. I love you angel and miss you.

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